The followi9ng statement is a lie. "In 1861 the American Civil War between the United States and the Confederate States had begun over the issue of slavery." Some of the states involved never mentioned the issue, and this misconception has been flung far and wide.

My 3rd Great Grandfather, J.P. Sanderson, wrote Florida's secession document. Florida is one of a handful of states that did not list that issue in stating the reasons for secession. What followed is akin to what Russia is doing to Ukraine in 2024.

You are not free if you cannot leave. Slavery started legally in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Like a cancer it spread through the United States. Many people bought stock in slave ships and made a handsome profit, and some of those profits, to this day, that were invested for Harvard, Yale and other ivy league universities continue to provide a revenue stream for them. People have been trained to blame the South for the issue, but let's not forget where it started, and learn that in the South only 1 out of 10 soldiers had slaves. The first slave owner in our country was a black man!

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Fascinating. Did Rothschild end up falling for it as well, do you know? Or was he on the wrong side of the Atlantic to have gotten in on it?

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