I love the timeless feeling that comes with long flights. But I have to wonder how I'd fare on a 19 hour long one...

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I legitimately hated reading this. I felt like I was there with you, on the plane. As someone who periodically flies from California to Japan… no thank you. Excellent work.

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Oh my goodness - something I Never want to do! - love your narrative - hope you enjoy your traveks in Malaysia and that you will relate them here

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Brilliantly evocative.

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What an ordeal, love your description of the flight as a luxury flying hotel, you write so well ! I don't think I could never go on a flight that long. Recently travelled from London to Kuala Lumpur but broke the journey up in the Middle East, annoyingly most of the passenger screens were not working and the food was miserable in economy.

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I enjoyed reading this. Great perspectives!

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I’m not knocking your choice of Crazy Rich Asians as your long haul staple. Mine is Pacific Rim. But these days I’ve learned to love the one stop long hauls where you can get off the plane and stretch your legs and then get back on a completely different plane.

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